28 June 2009

What was I thinking?

I was at QVC.

I just bought this:

don't worry, it was on Easy Pay.

But still. OMG. I am in a world of hurt. 90 days. I have to do this 90 day challenge.

I have to; I spent the money. Did you see the word "extreme?"

Guess I will be sharing the before, during, and after with you all.

2 people making a house call!:

Sara @ Domestically Challenged June 29, 2009 at 10:35 PM  

I have it, got it about 2 weeks ago. It is NOT as extreme as you think , you will do fine! I can't wait to see/hear more about what you think! Email me if you want to compare notes!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged June 30, 2009 at 8:57 PM  

Okay, I just did the back and chest one, and I LIED. that one is Extreme!